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Drugs of Abuse Test Kit

McKesson Brand

McKesson 12-Drug Panel with Adulterants Drugs of Abuse Test

  • All-in-one preliminary screening test for the qualitative detection of multiple drugs and drug metabolites in urine at specific cut-off levels
  • CLIA-waved urine drug screen
  • Offers panel size up to 12 analytes with an additional three adulteration tests
  • Tests for the following drugs, consumption of which is prohibited by the Controlled Substances Act: amphetamines (AMP), barbiturates (BAR), benzodiazepine (BZO), buprenorphine (BUP), cocaine (COC), ecstasy (MDMA), methamphetamine (mAMP/MET), methadone (MTD), opiates (OPI), oxycodone (OXY), PCP (angel dust) and THC (marijuana) at once
  • Rapid, visually read results in just 5 minutes
  • Of the 12 analytes, specifically, this test cup provides screening for buprenorphine (BUP) and opiates (MOP300) at low-level cut offs
  • Built-in specimen validity test (SVT) strip verifies the validity of the specimen to compare with the adulteration color comparison chart card (included)

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