As of December 1, 2023, as per CMS ( the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) QRP Claims-Based Measure Manual and Accompanying Files are now available.
The manual serves as a resource used to calculate claims-based measures that are included in the SNF QRP. The SNF DTC, PPR Post-Discharge, and PPR Within-Stay Supplemental Codes file provides both a list of codes used to identify readmission and diagnoses and a list of covariates used in risk adjustment across the DTC, PPR Post-Discharge, and PPR Within-Stay measures. The MSPB-PAC Covariates file provides a list of covariates used in risk-adjustment for the MSPB-PAC measure. Additionally, the MSPB-PAC Clinically Unrelated Services Exclusion file and MSPB-PAC First Day Service Exclusions files provide a list of services that are excluded from MSPB-PAC measure calculation. Finally, the SNF HAI Supplemental Codes file provides both ICD-10 codes used in the measure numerator and covariates used in risk adjustment for the SNF HAI measure.
These files can be accessed in the Downloads section of the CMS webpage referenced above.
Source: CMS (